As a mother, with nine to five job and a bit of a belly after four kids, I believe I need to have some me-time and to get back in shape. A friend had mentioned about the Ultimate Reshape Program by Epic Sana Algarve Hotel in Portugal that offers workshops on wellness and healthy lifestyle, combined with a healthy diet, sports and slimming treatments. I got interested, so I decided to go and give the program a test.
There are 5 program participants – myself, 3 other ladies and a man. During the welcome dinner, we were served lots of food, but were warned not to eat too much, because 9 o’clock the following morning, we will be “analyzed”. Our measurements will be taken: waist line, hip line, weight, fat mass, metabolic age, etc. Mine is not a big issue. At age 41, my metabolic age is 26. I have ideal weight, although there’s too much fat and need to improve on muscle mass. My Epic Sana Algarve Hotel reshape program officially begins.
We had a light breakfast and made a 7-kilometer run and some exercises such as jumping jack, planking, crunches, lunges and pull ups. It was a pain at first, of course, but the sun on our faces and the stunning views made us enjoy the activities. After our morning snack, we did some more exercises, stretched up and relaxed by the pool. To prepare us for the transdermal mesotherapy session, we all had a scrub and hydration treatment. The mesotherapy is part of the Epic Sana Algarve Hotel program that helps eliminate cellulite and reduce wrinkles and fine lines.
We also had a consultation with the nutritionist. Our diet is a low calorie diet and we have six meals (every 2-3 hours). There was a wellness workshop, which emphasized the importance of balanced nutrition and not skipping on a meal. We were taught how to cook healthy food, make detox juices at home and to relieve stress. There was also a workshop with the chef of the Epic Sana Algarve Hotel. It was a complete program and even after you leave the venue, the staff works with you and you’ll keep receiving health plans from the wellness team.
At the end of my week-long intensive program at Epic Sana Algarve Hotel, we were again analyzed and the results on me were amazing! I gained one kilo of muscle, lost 2 per cent of body fat and my waist was reduced by 3 centimeters and I feel great – energetic, rested and ready to work full time and be busy with my kids again.
I would like to say thanks to the whole team – the trainer, the nutritionist, the chef and everybody else that just stayed with us and offered some bit of advice. You are all very nice and dedicated and you have motivated us to become successful and stick to our goals. You joined us in our activities, you answered our various queries and you ensured that you were there for all of us. You made us feel very special, thank you.
Visit www.sanctuaryspaholidays.co.uk for more packages at Epic Sana Algarve Hotel.