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Tag Archives : Detox Spa

Sanctuary Spa Holidays Top 10 ways to detox..

Feeling tired, lethargic and under the weather? Perhaps it’s time to consider a detox … In short, a detox is the process of removing toxic substances from the body. Many people claim feeling more focused and energetic during and after detox diets! We’ve had a brainstorm, and listed our Top 10 ways to detox below. By…

Yoga is the Indian word which has been derived from the Sanskrit word ‘yuj’, means to unite, or to integrate. Yoga has been practiced for more than 600 years now. Since there was no invention of the health conscious ideas in the minds of people, yoga is the only way which has been practiced to…

Spring Into Detox Spa Holiday!

Spring is the traditional season for having a good clean–out! It is also the ideal time to consider a detox spa holiday or cleanse. Spring cleaning the house and opening all the windows and doors allows fresh air in which feels wonderfully rejuvenating.  Recycling unwanted clothing, old books, toys and electrical items is very satisfying…