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Month: June 2011

Lifehouse fitness philosophy

Lifehouse fitness philosophy Remember when we were children and the school bell would ring and we would skip out into the playground for playtime? We never knew that we were exercising and so we didn’t mind exercising. We ran round, played with balls, climbed trees and rode our bicycles. As a result our spirits were…

Spring Into Detox Spa Holiday!

Spring is the traditional season for having a good clean–out! It is also the ideal time to consider a detox spa holiday or cleanse. Spring cleaning the house and opening all the windows and doors allows fresh air in which feels wonderfully rejuvenating.  Recycling unwanted clothing, old books, toys and electrical items is very satisfying…

Robbie Williams  – who rejoined the band last year, 15 years after he first walked out on the group– has got himself hot, sweaty and all worked up about his Take That comeback gig  – doing yoga. The singer suffers from crippling stage fright but had taken up some calming hobbies to help with his nerves…