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Get Set for a New Spa Experience this New Year

Get Set for a New Spa Experience this New Year

Each New Year brings with it an innovative and novel spa trend like the earlier Ice-Goddess Facial which involves super-cooling treatments to revitalize the skin or Galvanic Current treatments which enable the cleansers and moisturizers to get an added boost through the use of metal wands in the electric treatment.

However, the downward trend of the global economy in some measure has restrained the spa goers who have become very particular about their spending. This has led to a growing preference for the affordable spa. It is essential to take into consideration these shifts in the customer’s preference from the pampering effect to expecting more of a wellness and health quotient.

Spa Trends for the New Year

Some trends for the spa industry that can be predicted for the New Year are:

  • Much Greater Emphasis On Health And Wellness

Today’s generation is more health conscious. The earlier reason for frequenting spas which was solely pampering has no longer remained relevant. There is more a shift for obtaining a comprehensive health regimen which would also include water therapies, body wraps, massage reflexology. There will be greater association and interlinking between spas and healthcare. You can expect the hospitals to offer spa facilities in the near future.

  • Greater Environmental Concerns

The popularity of the Spa centers will be more determined by their eco-friendliness as the clients today, are interested in doing their bit towards contributing to the environment. Spas using wind-harnessed electricity, solar lighting, using recycled water and wood, food from in house organic gardens are on the rise and this trend is likely to continue into the next year.

  • Holistic Approach

One of the trends for the New Year is obtaining a holistic package from the spas in terms of its cuisine, techniques for de-stress as well as learning activities that will refresh the mind and spirit. More emphasis will be placed on healthy menus that will nourish the whole body in general and tackle in particular certain specific issues like skin texture, dark circles and bulging bellies. Certain creative diets that deal with stress are needed by the present generation who come to the spas to de-stress from their hectic and stressful lives. Various de-stress techniques like yoga, tai-chi, meditation, massage therapy will still be popular in the future.

  • Quality  Staff

The trend is in improving the quality of the spa staff so as to ensure the client’s satisfaction in getting the requisite spa experience. Training and education of the staff will be given more importance rather than introducing series of changes in facilities. Spas will be concerned with retaining clients through a consistent quality experience.

  • Improvements In Delivery Of Services

New methods and techniques that will make it easier for clients to get a memorable spa experience will become another imperative point. Alerts for attractive spa deals, incorporating free spa treatment in the room rate, use of spa credits for increasing bookings etc are becoming a common feature.  Teaching the clients to fit in few minutes of meditation into their hectic schedule or incorporating sleep time into spa treatments is on the rise. The potential of the male population who are also becoming indulgent clients has to be tapped fully. The trend of offering value added deals and discounts to entice customers in a still to recover economy may well continue into the New Year.

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