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Tag Archives : spa holiday

Spa Holidays for Young People

It’s long been thought that the Spa holiday is very much associated with middle-aged, married couples or groups of women, looking to get away from it all and escape the stresses and strains of modern living. Spa breaks are a world away from the younger generation’s idea of a holiday, namely a boozy jaunt to…

It is that time of year again where the first couple of months at work after that Christmas break are kicking in and you have had enough of the office already. An idea of taking a nice long break in the Spring/Summer pops into your mind and you think, where on earth should I go…

Stay at an Indian palace – be pampered like royalty

Some people take a spa holiday to reenergize, some to get thoroughly pampered and some go for the therapeutic treatments to strengthen body and soul. Of course, it helps the whole experience if your accommodation is first rate. Inspirational surroundings would help too! If you are looking for something truly spectacular to go with your…